Plant Detail

Parahebe Pink Avalanche

Abundant pink flowering Parahebe

  •  Overview
  •  Breeder
  •  Sublicense holders and Agents
  • Abundant flowering
  • Unique pink flowers
  • Flowers from June until September
  • Compact ball shaped habit

Parahebe 'Pink Avalanche' (pbr) flowers abundantly with pink flowers that pour out over the plant like an avalanche! 'Pink Avalanche' has a natural ball shaped habit and stays compact. The plant does not need any growth regulators. The foliage is dark green.

'Pink Avalanche' is hardy and evergreen to -12 degrees Celcius. It is an excellent container plant for patio or balcony.

NA Horticulture
Gardd Elen, Waunfawr
LL55 4EJ Caernarfon, Gwynedd
United Kingdom
Tel: 0044-1286 672113


the Netherlands

Van Vliet New Plants

Stroeërweg 14
3776 MJ Stroe
Tel: 0342 - 444 344


Sapho Ltd.

Les Fontaines de l\'Aunay
49250 Beaufort en Vallee
Tel: 0033 241519120

United Kingdom

Seiont Nurseries

Kent farm, Pontrug
LL5 2BB Caernarfon
Tel: 0044-1286677453


Plant Network Co. Ltd.

196-5 Kido,
639-2161 Katsuragi, Nara
Tel: +81745488889

Sublicense holders

the Netherlands

Bergs BV, Stekbedrijf

Geusert 13
6093 NR Heythuysen
Tel: 0475-498600

Kwekerij Heutinck

Wessel van Eylllaan 3
7271 NT Borculo
Tel: 0545-274164


Graines Voltz (Andre Briant)

1 Rue Edouard Branly
F68000 Colmar
Tel: 0033-615241663

United Kingdom

Ball Colegrave Limited

Milton Road, West Adderbury, Banbury
OX17 3EY Oxon
Tel: 0044 1295 811 833

Newey Limited

London Road
RH20 1AT Pulborough, West Sussex
Tel: 0044-1798-873774

  • Genus Parahebe
  • Species hybrid
  • Product range Perennials
  • Official name Parahebe catarractae 'Alcpara' (pbr) Pink Avalanche
  • PVR2023/0699
  • Plant Patent JPN34489

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