Plant Detail

Hydrangea paniculata Minty Spirit

Pure white flowers!

  •  Overview
  •  Breeder
  •  Sublicense holders and Agents
  • Pure white flowers
  • Abundant flowering
  • Easy to grow

The uniform growth and flowering makes Hydrangea paniculata Minty Spirit a good improvement for growers.
The variety grows into a medium type Hydrangea with a height of maximum 1 meter.
Hydrangea paniculata Minty Spirit gives a flower on every branch.

Lilaveronica Sarl
Rue du château
67220 Thanville
Tel: 0033 241519120


the Netherlands

Van Vliet New Plants

Stroeërweg 14
3776 MJ Stroe
Tel: 0342 - 444 344

Sublicense holders

the Netherlands

BENS Young Plants

Veenweg 2
9611 TK Sappemeer
Tel: 06-54258722

J.C. Niesing

Voshol 19
2771 NK Boskoop
Tel: 031172215737


Josef Vanwynsberghe BV

Tjampensstraat 11A
B8570 Anzegem-Ingooigem
Tel: 0032-56779728


Zu Jeddeloh Pflanzen

Wischenstrasse 7
26188 Edewecht/jeddeloh 1
Tel: 0049-440591800


Szkolka drzew I krzewow ozdobnych Dawid Wiklanski

Swiebodzin 87
33-114 Rzuchowa
Tel: +48 533347891

Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Aleksandra Kusibab-Wyka

Prandocin Ily 88a
32-090 Slomniki
Tel: 0048-792714944

Gospodarstwo Szkolkarskie Izabela i Pawel Marcinkow

Mnichowice 48
63-640 Bralin
Tel: 0048 537 207 627

Walaszczyk, Szkolka Krzewow Ozdobnych

ul. Architektow 88
43-346 Bielsko-Biala
Tel: 0048-338107481


PianteToffolon di Toffolon Enrico & C SNC

Via bassanese 69
31037 Bessica di Loria (TV)
Tel: +39 393 9137885

  • Genus Hydrangea
  • Species paniculata
  • Product range Shrubs, New
  • Official name Hydrangea paniculata 'COUHAMINT' (pbr) Minty Spirit
  • PVR2023/0292
  • Plant Patent USAPPAF
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