Plant Detail
Fargesia murieliae 'Moontears'
Strong Fargesia which has no problems with pruning at all
- Overview
- Breeder
- Sublicense holders and Agents
- Strong, healthy Fargesia
- Perfect for hedging and topiary
- Dark green foliage
- No problems with pruning at all!
Fargesia murieliae Moontears can be pruned easily, the plant has no problems with pruning at all. The bamboo is not invasive and grows well (even after pruning). It is a strong and healthy variety with a compact habit. Due to the compact habit the plant is perfect for hedging and topiary!
Moontears is also frost hardy
Fargesie murieliae Moontears is bred by Baumschule Wilfried Janssen from Edewecht, Germany.
Wilfried Janßen Baumschule
Portsloger Straße 4626188 Edewecht / Portsloge
Tel: 0049 4405-5787
the Netherlands
Van Vliet New Plants
Stroeërweg 14
3776 MJ Stroe
Tel: 0342 - 444 344
Dig Plant Co.
P. O. Box 2108
SC 29465 Mount Pleasant
Tel: +1(843) 849-1272
Sublicense holders
the Netherlands
Hoogeveen Plants B.V.
Denemarkenlaan 14
2391PZ Hazerswoude-Dorp
Tel: 0172-235790
Ogrody Japonskie A. Pudelko
ul. Ogrodnicza 2
43-332 Pisarzowice
Tel: 0048-338456219