Plant Detail

Fargesia murieliae 'Elias'

Compact habit and unique low growth habit

  •  Overview
  •  Breeder
  •  Sublicense holders and Agents
  • Compact ball shaped habit
  • Non invasive
  • Maximum 50/60cm high

Fargesia murieliae 'Elias' is a refreshing new bamboo which does not invade your garden. Instead it is used for its compact size and its unique low growth habit. 'Elias' originated from seed of the Fargesia murieliae and was selected by Frank Schnupper for its compact growth. Just like his little brother 'Luca', 'Elias' is just as compact and can grow into a shrub of 50 to 60cm high and one meter wide. New shoots remain compact. 'Elias' is an easy plant requiring little or no work in the garden. It prefers partial shade. 'Elias' is hardy to 25 degrees frost and with its compact growth it can keep its position for many years. Together with his little brother 'Luca', these two 'Bamboo Brothers' are the lowest Fargesia murieliae in the market. Overall a nice plant to decorate any garden or terrace.

'Elias' won a golden medal at the GrootGroenPlus show in 2017. 'Elias' was also nominated for best novelty of 2017 in the Netherlands.

  • Genus Fargesia
  • Species murieliae
  • Product range Ornamental grasses and bamboo
  • Official name Fargesia murieliae 'Elias' (pbr)
  • PVREU51516
  • Plant Patent JPN34837
  • Plant Patent KOR201008
  • Plant Patent UKUK51516
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